1/6 Capitol Hill: March of the Dead on Opening Day of Congress: help us carry the names of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and demand that Congress end the occupations. Contact:
1/6-31 Ask Congress members to sign onto Rep. Nadler's resolution against Bush pardoning crimes he authorized.
1/8 Madam's Organ: Peace Center Happy Hour. Details.
1/10 Annapolis: Polar Bear Plunge. Details.
1/11 White House and around the country: Demonstrate on anniversary of Guantanamo prison camp beginning operations. Demand an end to unlawful detentions, rendition, torture, and murder. Promote the prosecution of those responsible, and oppose unconstitutional presidential pardons of crimes authorized by the president. Join with Witness Against Torture, and World Can't Wait.
1/15-19 Dupont Circle: Performances, speeches, merchandise, literature, and gathering point.
1/17-18 U. of D.C.: Progressive Democrats of America Annual Grassroots Leadership Conference. Register now to join progressive congress members, strategists, and activists for a conference that's all about what we need to do and how we can get it done.
1/17 Friends Meeting of Washington: Film: "MLK Jr, A Historical Perspective." Details.
1/19 Shoe Bush! Your last chance to hit Bush in the face with your shoes while he's president:
1/19 Bethesda: Annual MLK Day protest at war profiteering Lockheed Martin. Contact:
1/19-20 Pennsylvania Ave: Join us with your Arrest Bush & Cheney sweatshirt on the sidewalk in front of the FBI building where we have a permit for thousands and will have signs, food, blankets, and busses for a 24-hour vigil leading up to the inaugural parade. We'll put the ARREST BUSH message front and center on the parade route:
1/19-20 Be prepared to react to Bush pardoning crimes that he himself authorized. This will be unprecedented and unConstitutional.
1/20 McPherson Square: rally for peace and justice.
1/20 Peace protest organized by World Can't Wait.
1/20 Smithsonian National Postal Museum: Inaugural Peace Ball:
1/25 Vigil at Walter Reed Hospital. Details.
1/1-31 Busboys and Poets at 14th and V Northwest and 5th and K Northwest: place to hang out and eat and drink and groove.
To add to or correct this calendar, send an Email to
David Swanson is the author of the upcoming book "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union" by Seven Stories Press and of the introduction to "The 35 Articles of Impeachment and the Case for Prosecuting George W. Bush" published by Feral House and available at Swanson holds a master's degree in philosophy from the University of Virginia. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as a communications director, with jobs including press secretary for Dennis Kucinich's 2004 presidential campaign, media coordinator for the International Labor Communications Association, and three years as communications coordinator for ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Swanson is Co-Founder of, creator of and Washington Director of, a board member of Progressive Democrats of America, the Backbone Campaign, and Voters for Peace, and a member of the legislative working group of United for Peace and Justice.
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